Thursday, February 1, 2007

Introducing...A Tadpole

Fuck yeaaaaaaaaaah! New character, shitty boundaries, and a grand total of 7 panels?!? Does the madness know no end?! Oh my gosh no! It does not! Woooooo! Anyway, yeah, I know, I'm late on the comic. Again. But who isn't these days, right? I'll try to throw a new one up every Wednesday, so keep in touch! Because next Wednesday, that's right! I'm gonna post a new one! Yay!

Well, not a lot's been going on lately. We had the big employee Christmas party at Chili's on Sunday, which kicked more ass than most people can kick in large groups over the course of a week. There was tons of food, free booze, and everybody got a prize! Including myself, who managed to win 2 Blockbuster gift cards worth ten bucks apiece. Afterwards, most of us went to Al's, where we sang karaoke, made a lot of noise, and drank some more. was a good night.

But at any rate, it's time to talk about stuff again. Cool stuff. Awesome stuff. Namely, a well-known hit that is currently number 2 at the box office: Smokin' Aces. Now this is an interesting movie, to say the least. It's a fucking badass kick-your-face-in movie, to say a whole lot more. Jeremy Piven plays the title role of Buddy "Aces" Israel, a Las Vegas magician-slash-mobster-wannabe who is preparing to rat out his mobster pals to the FBI. Ryan Reynolds and Ray Liotta play two federal agents who are tracking Buddy, and Andy Garcia is the Deputy Director of the FBI who they answer to.

Meanwhile, Ben Affleck, Peter Berg, and Martin Henderson are a bail bondsman and two ex-cops, respectively, who are going to try and grab Buddy and take him back to the feds, since he skipped town after his bail was posted. However, Alicia Keys and some black chick who's name I don't remember--don't worry, you won't either--are after Buddy themselves, to collect on the one million dollar hit that's been put on his head. But oh my goodness!! There are also five other hitmen who are heading after this poor bastard too! I won't say anymore at this point in time. Just...go see the fuckin' movie. It's awesome. And violent. And bloody. And gory. And just...just fun. Oh! Oh! And it has that Irish guy with the scar!! The one from Braveheart and Gladiator? Yeah, him!

'Til next time. I'm out.


Anonymous said...

Holy shit. The tadpole, who you CANNOT name "Tad," should totally be the illegitimate son of either Bigwig or Hazel. That would fucking rock.

Also, it should be "Carlos'."

Verdakk said...
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