Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Asexy Time!!

Well, it's been awhile...a very very LONG while, but I'm back to WaOM with a vengeance! Hopefully I'll be able to whip up a few comics, and I'll throw out a bonus one between now and next Wednesday. At any rate, I have to say, I had some fun with this one. I love Fish in the last panel, he's just very simply drawn, but his expression says a lot. Had a little trouble figuring out how I was gonna make this whole thing work, I'd originally wanted it to be a full six-panel spread. But ah well, I think it worked without feeling too rushed. Also, for those of you who aren't into scientific humor and don't get it, salamanders, like frogs, have the uncanny ability to reproduce asexually. They also, for no reason whatsoever, will lose their gills and become landborne critters.

Anyway, nothing much has been going on around the Woburn Estate. We almost got evicted because the people downstairs heard us talking about drugs or something and figured we were all smacked out of our minds. WHICH WE WEREN'T, incidentally. But they told the landlady on us, and we got a warning notice. It's all cleared up now, and we're squared away.

Yep, it's Oscar season, ladies and gents. That means one thing: a lot of famous people are going to be given free million dollar gift baskets that could have gone towards feeding starving children in Africa or curing a disease in Central Asia...or assassinating Kim Jong Il.

Fucking celebrities. Well, I'll see you guys later. Peace out.


Verdakk said...

This blog is becoming very scientific.

Anonymous said...

You fucking moron. Salamanders don't reproduce asexually. What are they, worms? And most salamanders lose their gill brushes when they grow out of the tadpole stage. But in some species, the brushes stay attached for the rest of their lives. Oddly enough, if you inject that salamander with a specific hormone, it loses the brushes. You know what that means, fucker?
Retaining gill brushes into adulthood is just an ontogenic character that goes away the second that hormone is introduced. In every other salamander, the hormone is released during growth. In a few species, it's not.

Fuckin' firemen are getting pussy for the first time in the history of firemen. Or pussy.

lantaro said...

Who's the moron NOW?? It's a satire, I'm likening them to frogs with the asexual part.

And you're an idiot. I had 2 bushy-looking salamanders for 4 years. 2 years into it, WITHOUT ADDING HORMONES TO THE WATER, Hazel lost his brushes. A few months later, Bigwig followed suit.

I'm the guy who does his fucking job. You must be the other guy.

Verdakk said...

They have gills so they can drink beer under water!