Thursday, December 7, 2006


It has been widely theorized that salamanders are the dumbest and dullest creatures on God’s green Earth. To those naysayers who would have us believe this false truth, I have only one thing to say:


For the earthworm takes the cake on that pile of shit, my friends. Seriously. Half the time you can’t even see the goshdamn things because they’re UNDERGROUND. What the hell is that shit about? Bunch of damn weenies if you ask me. Earthworms, I mean. Not salamanders. They’re not particularly brave, they’re just…dumb. At any rate, the salamander with two prongs on his gills is Hazel. The one with three is Bigwig. Hazel, while not particularly bright, is the smarter of the two. Bigwig, however, is bigger, fatter, and slightly duller, as well.

More will follow on the adventures of these two.


Verdakk said...

Haha, what's next? An aardvark named violet?

Luke Nielson said...

DUDE hahahahaha that was awesome... I read it twice. And got it. lol... I want more of the same!