Thursday, December 7, 2006

Ahh......Smell That Fresh Air!

Like Michael Beihn in that Terminator flick, this blog has not so much been born as it has been eletrically shoved through the asshole of space and time to be here now, its purpose mysterious and its mission equally as dire.

I'm so full of shit.

After extensive philosophical pondering on the nature of the universe, as well as the fact that I want to post all my thoughts on a webpage without it being myspace, I decided, like Zach, to create a blog and post stuff on it. Now, odds are I'll be worse than Zach at keeping up with a post schedule, so for now we'll just say that by Wednesday of every week, something new might be up. Maybe. If, you know, you're lucky. We'll see. Anyway! Obviously, there is nothing up right now. But all that shall change, friends...all that shall change.

More will follow!

1 comment:

Verdakk said...

Cool, now I have two blogs to regularly check and enjoy.