Thursday, March 20, 2008

New Directions

So I'm taking this blog in a completely new direction. What would that be, you may ask??


Okay, so that's really not a new direction at all. But I started my long, arduous trek earlier today armed with a backpack, a sandwich, and a compass, but after realizing that I have no idea how to use a sandwich, I decided just to stay at home and post a new blog.

Whist sitting at the Peanut Farm last week, Zach handed me his now-shattered clipboard and asked me to draw a comic. My response? A pair of dinosaurs, one eating a dead man, the other rooting through a satchel. Suddenly, the curious dinosaur raiding the man's pack says, "Hold your horses there, Ray. This guy's got a Moose's Tooth coupon and twenty bucks." I was immediately quite smitten with the pair of Tyraptosaurus Rexes I had drawn (I can see Zach's maddened jaw, quivering in anger), one named Ray, the other Otis, and no way to tell the difference between the two, and realized that they could have all sorts of misadventures.

I was then asked to draw another one, after being threatened with bodily harm from Zach, who was, by this time, all hopped up on pancreas meds, and frought with anger from his despondent lack of Mountain Dew. I proceeded to pump out a bar scene of Cecil and Frank (with Miller aiding in the drawing of the latter) , my two favorite standbys, sitting at a bar. Cecil is pouring out his heart and soul to his aardvark companion, describing his sorrows and heartache with utter sincerity, to which Frank interrupts him with "Fuck off, the game's back on."

This brings me to my final point. I love comics. I love drawing them. Am I great at drawing? Not particularly. Am I good? I like to pretend I am. And my two beloved salamanders, their angry disfigured catfish companion, his curious love with a tadpole, and the drunken cockroach beer salesman? I will never forget them.

And so, it is with great pleasure and excitement, that I show you the death of "Of Warts and Other Matters," and introduce in its stead, "Misadventures." The cast? Ray, Otis, Cecil, Frank, Hazel, Bigwig, Fish, Lily, and Carlos.

Not all at the same time, of course. It won't be weekly, but I shall certainly be posting some new content soon. There are definitely snags in my planning, of course. Namely, my lack of a scanner or other such utility. I suppose I could take a picture of each comic with my digital camera, but geez. Are you serious?? Anyway, I'm excited, hopefully you are too. Now if you'll excuse me, I just bought some sweet Mexican beer. Tequiza. Try it out. 9 bucks for a six-pack. Delicious.
Garcia. OUT.


Verdakk said...

Aww yeah. It is about time, sir! I am quite looking forward to experiencing these future misadventures through well-drawn comics.

Zach said...

Oh-Em-Gee! A brand-new comic on Marcus' blog! Is it the second coming already? JESUS! DON'T FORGET ABOUT MEEEE!!!

Awesome stuff. I look forward to this "new direction," be that as it may.